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Writing • Teaching • Editing

YOU WANT TO WRITE. Find help as you grapple with the Dragon of Doubt.

What you can do, or dream you can, begin it—Goethe

Private Classes: write and tell me about your project and where you are with it.

Knowledgeable, sophisticated instruction; congenial surroundings.


Everyone Needs an Editor

As you start . . .

• Developmental editing—
Before it's a book, it's an idea, a set of notes, an outline, a bunch of pages.
Developmental editing takes your project from these beginnings to a completed manuscript,
paying special attention to:
-beginning and ending

As you draft . . .

• Copyediting—
The editor helps the writer make sure the work is
-not wordy
-factually accurate

After you've written . . .

Manuscript evaluation—
-Is it good?
-Is it ready?
-What now?
General Editing—
Substantive Editing—
Submission guidance—
-What to send
-Where to send
Proven, experienced guidance finding the right
– MFA program
– fellowship
– residency
– grant
Informed, sophisticated help—
-Crafting better applications
-Improving chances of success

To discuss or arrange evaluation,
editing, or consultation, click e-mail.



ORDER FROM from the University of New Mexico Press: Lock & Load—writing that hits the mark!

Meet the book, hear the stories in Charlottesville, Richmond, Greensboro, and points south and west.


Lock & Load, an extraordinary collection of literary fiction, includes work by such American masters as
Annie Proulx, John Edgar Wideman, Rick DeMarinis, Pinckney Benedict, Jim Tomlinson, and Bonnie Jo Campbell, as well as a host of fresh new voices.


Beautiful, surprising, and thought-provoking all the way through.